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Tersus Solutions Takes Top Accolades in Innovation

It’s no secret that life moves quickly. Businesses that want to thrive in a constantly changing marketplace have to possess a certain something special to help them stand out from the massive crowd.


Ultimately, the success of a business boils down to its ability to disrupt the norm. Companies that take a stand against the traditional standards are noticed. Those that successfully find ways of switching things up might even create a long-lasting niche for themselves and their customers.

This doesn’t happen all on its own. A company that wants to captivate the marketplace has to be intentional about its purpose and creative in its approach.

Companies that create real change are led by a team of professionals that are committed to continuously improving their processes. Their mission and motivation are fueled by the potential to discover one-of-a-kind solutions to meet consumer needs.


At Tersus Solutions, we’ve long been in the business of disrupting the standards. We take what’s expected and we turn it upside down for the good of our customers and the planet we all share. In 2021, others are taking notice.



Every year, the editors at Fast Company release a list of what they see as the most innovative companies in the world. In 2021, Tersus Solutions is proud to join these prestigious ranks and place number 9 in the North American category!


A team of more than 36 reporters, contributors, and editors rigorously evaluate companies across the planet before selecting the one that will receive this exciting honor. Landing on the list is an indicator that a company is truly finding a way to thrive within a fluctuating economy. It’s also an acknowledgment of a company’s commitment to making a positive impact on its own industry and culture in general. 



At Tersus Solutions, an unwavering dedication to making sustainable fashion into the new normal paves our way to success. We disrupt the world of fast-fashion daily by offering reliable, manageable, and more importantly, sustainable solutions that give garments a second chance at life.

Creating a circular textile economy is no easy task, but we’re certainly up to the challenge. Our full suite of sustainable services has set us apart by keeping fabrics and textile materials out of landfills. Instead, we put those garments directly into the hands of creative and motivated designers.

Our team doesn’t align ourselves with the commonly accepted belief that fashion is linear. We take an approach that elevates the concept of revival and upcycle clothing.



Fashion and the world of textiles change quickly. At Tersus Solutions, we’re using innovation to stay ahead of the curve and provide solutions that are good for consumers and good for the planet.


It’s an honor to be recognized for our efforts, and we’re using this recognition as continued motivation to move our innovative mission forward. Not to worry -- we have no intention of slowing down when it comes to creating change for good in the world.

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